Purdue University Sees What a "Ban" on GMOs Would Look Like
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Purdue University, published a study in AgBioForum that aimed to answer a simple question: What would the world look like without...
Food Packaging: More Than Just Plastic, Tin or Metal
Packaging — durable, strong and resistant — is one of the many reasons we have a safe food supply: It protects food. It’s also efficient...
Gut Health: What are Prebiotics and Probiotics?
We hear so much about eating to improve our “gut health.” These conversations almost always involve a discussion about foods that contain...
New research shows how children want their food served
In addition to being a helping hand for parents, the research can be used to optimise meal programs in schools and meals that are...
Calorie Counts on Menus have Customers Ordering Less
Bye-bye artichoke dip. Heavyweight appetizers and fatty entrees may not get much love when restaurants list calories on their menus. In a...
Leveraging Restaurant Menus to Combat Obesity
Findings from a new study suggest that calorie labeling information on menus might be more effective in motivating consumers to order...
Moving Location of Fruits and Vegetables can lead to 15 percent sales increase
Moving location of fruit and vegetables in shops can lead to 15 percent sales increase. Sales increased without any further messaging or...
Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins
Vitamins are essential nutrients that contribute to a healthy life. Although most people get all the vitamins they need from the foods...
All About the Nutrition Facts Label
The labels on packages are important tools you can use to find out what is in the food you eat. Make healthier food choices by learning...
Sugars: What's in a Name?
If you read food labels, you’re likely familiar with many of the ingredients in your food. Some ingredients, like sugar, probably get...
What Does Eating a Plant-Based Diet Mean?
Plants are finally on-trend. It seems as though everywhere you turn, more and more people are opting for plant-based foods.
All About Whole Grains
It’s recommended that half of all grains be whole grains. Sometimes it can be a challenge to identify whole grains, as there are a...
Consumers Perception of Sugar
In 2018, more than three-quarters (77 percent) of our survey participants said they are trying to limit or avoid sugar in their diet. For...
Consumers’ Comprehension of Milk and Non-Dairy Alternatives
A new survey by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation shows a low level of consumer confusion over nomenclature...
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